Introduction: Food as Medicine, Medicine as Food Co-authored with Juliana Adelman, this Introduction to a Special Issue on ‘Food as Medicine, Medicine as Food’ makes the case for historical investigations of the shifting relationship between food and medicine.
Darby’s Fluid Meat, Digestion, and the British Imperial Food Supply This chapter in the edited volume Acquired Tastes: Stories about the Origins of Modern Food shows how concentrated meat extracts like “Darby’s Fluid Meat” were materialized attempts to economize the food supply.
Inimitable Innovation: Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach and the Renewal of Surgery, 1822-1847 This chapter reveals German surgeon Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach’s “plastic surgery” as an attempt to break with surgical empiricism and articulate an entirely new approach to surgery based on physiology and the plasticity of the skin. It forms part of an edited collection, titled Technological Change in Modern Surgery: Historical Perspectives on Innovation.